• City of Miami Beach on Issuu
City of Miami Beach
1700 Convention Center Drive
Miami Beach, Florida 33139
Phone: 305.673.7000

Board of Adjustment

Powers and Duties

The Board of Adjustment shall have the following powers and duties:

(1) To hear and decide appeals pursuant to the procedural requirements of Section 118-9.

(2) To authorize, upon application, such variance from the terms of these land development regulations where authorized by section 118-351(a), pursuant to the requirements of chapter 118, article VIII, of the land development regulations, as will not be contrary to the public interest when, owing to special conditions, a literal enforcement of a provision of these land development regulations would result in unnecessary and undue hardship. Five affirmative votes shall be necessary to approve any variance request.

The Board of Adjustment shall serve as the city's floodplain management board in reviewing applications for properties within its jurisdiction and shall have the authority to exercise all powers and perform all duties assigned to such board pursuant to section 54-31 et seq. and Resolution No. 93-20698, and in accordance with the procedures set forth therein as such ordinance and resolution may be amended from time to time. For the purposes of determining jurisdiction, the criteria in section 118-351(a) shall be utilized.


The Board of Adjustment shall consist of seven voting members. Members shall be appointed for a two-year term, by a five-sevenths vote of the City Commission.

Two members shall be appointed as citizens at-large, and five professional members shall each be appointed as follows: A) One member shall represent the architecture profession, and the remaining four members shall represent one of the following professions (no more than one member per profession) namely: 1) law, 2) engineering, 3) real estate development, 4) certified public accounting, 5) financial consultation, and 6) general business. The members representing the professions of architecture, law, engineering, and public accounting shall be duly licensed by the State of Florida; the member representing general business shall be of responsible standing in the community.

Members of the board of adjustment must either be residents or have their principal place of business in Miami Beach.

Position Name Contact
Chair Michael S. Goldberg michael.goldberg@firsthorizon.com
Vice Chair Andres Asion andres@andresasion.com
Board Member James Silvers silversdbc@bellsouth.net
Board Member Daniel Nagler dan.nagler@gmail.com
Board Member Geoffrey Aaronson gaaronson@aspalaw.com
Board Member Janet Silverman jsilverman27@msn.com
Board Member Steven Kreinik stevekreinik@yahoo.com

For inquiries contact: BOA@miamibeachfl.gov

Important Links:

Public Record Requests

Visit the City of Miami Beach Public Record Request site. Submit a new request, check the status of a submitted request, and search the record request archive.

If you have any questions about Public Records, please call the City of Miami Beach City Clerk's office at 305-673-7411.