Urban Forestry


The Urban Forestry Division oversees the citywide urban forest by providing regulatory supervision and management of the citywide GIS Tree Inventory and development/implementation of the Urban Forestry Master Plan. Since the inception of the City’s Tree Preservation Ordinance on June 15, 2015, this division issues tree permits, oversees tree mitigation, conducts heritage tree evaluations, conducts tree protection barrier inspections, provides tree risk assessments and reviews plans for citywide tree selection/installations. The Division also oversees the Heritage Tree Programs and the City Tree Inventory on TreePlotter Map.

Contact us

Urban Forestry Division
1700 Convention Center Dr. - 3rd Floor
Miami Beach, Fl 33139
305.673.7722 | urbanforestry@miamibeachfl.gov 

Office hours: Monday through Friday from 7:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m