Miami Beach Civil Service System


As provided by the City Charter, practically all Classified positions with the City come under the Civil Service System. You took an exam and/or had an interview, and were appointed in competition with other applicants to become a City employee. Promotions in the City generally are made in the same competitive manner.Unclassified employees are generally selected by a review of resumes and personal interviews.

All employees are expected to earn their appointments and demonstrate their worthiness of promotion. A Civil Service System based on merit is your assurance that municipal government is conducted on the highest level and that your fellow workers are fully qualified.

YOUR APPOINTMENT IN THE CLASSIFIED SERVICE: If you were appointed to a classified position you were hired as a Temporary, Provisional or Probationary employee.

Temporary Appointments are made in some job classifications for those people being hired in a temporary basis only. Compensation is for actual time worked only. Temporary employees have no civil service rights nor benefits.

Provisional Appointments are made in the absence of an eligibility list or for a specified period of time. Provisional employees must apply and participate in the competitive process when an opening for the position they are temporarily filling is announced. Provisional employees do not have civil service rights.

Part Time Employees work less than 60 hours bi-weekly. Benefits include accumulation of sick and annual leave, floating holidays and birthdays on a pro-rated basis. There are no insurance or pension benefits for part time employees.

Probationary Appointments are made in most job classifications for those persons who have been selected from an eligibility list. Persons so appointed serve a probationary period during which time they do not have civil service rights. During the probationary period, your performance is to be reviewed by your supervisor and discussed with you. This procedure gives you the opportunity to become aware if there is a need forimprovement, and to do something about it before the end of your probationary period. A formal performanceappraisal may also be prepared at the end of your probationary period to determine if regular classified status should be granted.

Probationary Period: During the probationary period on your new job, your performance will be carefully guided and observed by your supervisor. Employment may be terminated by your department head at any time during, or at the end of, your probationary period. A Probationary employee who is removed has no right of appeal to the Personnel Board.

The length of the probationary period is as follows:

  • 18 months for Police Officer and Police Officer Trainee
  • 1 year for Communications Supervisor, Dispatcher, Dispatcher Trainee, Code Compliance Officer I, and Firefighter I
  • 9 months for Sergeant of Police, Lieutenant of Police, Fire Captain, Fire Lieutenant, Communications Operator, Identification Technician II, Communications Technician I, Identification Technician I, and Identification Officer
  • 6 months for all other probationary period

If your performance during the probationary period is considered satisfactory by your supervisor and department head and you are granted Regular status at the end of the probationary period, you will then be entitled to civil service rights and benefits. Leave Without Pay charges during an original probationary period extend the

date of completion of the probationary period for the length of the time the probationary employee was absent.

Promotional Probationary Period: Promotional opportunities provide a means for you to advance to a higher classification. Upon receiving a classified promotional appointment you will be required to serve another probationary period. If you resign or are rejected from your promotional position during this probationary period, you may return to your former classification.