• City of Miami Beach on Issuu
City of Miami Beach
1700 Convention Center Drive
Miami Beach, Florida 33139
Phone: 305.673.7000


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LGBTQIA+ Advisory Committee – Subcommittee on Advocacy

1700 Convention Center Drive, Miami Beach, FL 33139 , ODPI Conference Room, 3rd Floor

Hybrid Meeting https://bit.ly/3JYJzkR Meeting ID 25636743011 Passcode agoRty 1.786.636.1480 Access ID 508738207#   Commission Conference Room 1700 Convention Center Drive, 4th FL.

LGBTQIA+ Advisory Committee

1700 Convention Center Drive, Miami Beach, FL 33139 , ODPI Conference Room, 3rd Floor

Hybrid Meeting https://bit.ly/3kHDBud Meeting ID 248931822599 Passcode mvzwuE 1.786.636.1480 Access ID 463067825#   Commission Conference Room 1700 Convention Center Drive, 4th FL.

Committee on the Homeless

SC Zoom Meeting

Zoom Meeting https://us06web.zoom.us/j/85348067866?pwd=UUpQUVptYS91VkN6QkxucExZaWFJUT09 1.305.224.1968 or 1.646.931.3860 Access ID 85348067866# Passcode 018596#

Budget Advisory Committee

1700 Convention Center Drive, Miami Beach, FL 33139 , ODPI Conference Room, 3rd Floor

City Manager’s Large Conference Room 1700 Convention Center Drive, 4th FL.

Affordable Housing Committee

SC Zoom Meeting

Zoom Meeting https://us06web.zoom.us/j/81295946678?pwd=MXRuRHl4ZFpYbXcvY0ttYUptQlRmdz09 1.305.224.1968 or 1.309.205.3325 Access ID 81295946678# Passcode 707398#

Miami Beach Senior High School PTSA

Miami Beach Senior High School, 2231 Prairie Ave, Miami Beach, FL 33139, USA

Hybrid Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/86104790416?pwd=OUJxKy9FY2ZxeHJScWRITDlYb0JaUT09 1.929.205.6099 or 1.301.715.8592 Access ID 86104790416# Passcode 557169#   School Auditorium 2231 Prairie Avenue

Miami Beach Regional Library presents Yoga with Lucia

Miami Beach Regional Library 227 22nd Street, Miami Beach, United States

Learn a variety of postures and breathwork at a moderate pace suitable for all skill levels. Please wear comfortable clothing and bring a mat or towel. Registration is required. For more information, please contact the branch at 305-535-4219 or capleyb@mdpls.org. Ages 19 yrs.+

Advanced CERT Training: Preparedness & Public Speaking Skills

Virtual Meeting via Microsoft Teams

Speaking in public is not something we are born with, but something that is learned. Public speaking is not only for a select group of people, it can be learned by anyone. Practice those skills to prepare your neighborhood. Those you can help could be: Condominium Meetings Home Owners Association Meetings Neighborhood Association Meetings Schools […]

Police/Citizens Relations Committee

1100 Washington Ave, Miami Beach, FL 33139, USA

Hybrid Meeting https://bit.ly/41SQ1Ax Meeting ID 25835489974 Passcode CzRW7T 1.786.636.1480 Access ID 647061285#   Major James Smith Community Room 1100 Washington Ave.

Revocable Hedge Permit

SC Zoom Meeting

Zoom Meeting https://us06web.zoom.us/j/89870202126 1.305.224.1968 or 1.408.638.0968 Access ID 89870202126#

Miami Beach Regional Library presents Spanish Conversation Circle: Basic Spanish

Miami Beach Regional Library 227 22nd Street, Miami Beach, United States

Want to practice your Spanish conversation skills? Participate in our conversation circle and gain confidence speaking Spanish in a friendly, relaxed setting. For more information, please contact the branch at 305-535-4219 or capleyb@mdpls.org. Ages 19 yrs.+