• City of Miami Beach on Issuu
City of Miami Beach
1700 Convention Center Drive
Miami Beach, Florida 33139
Phone: 305.673.7000


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Special Magistrate Hearings

Public Zoom Meeting

Zoom Meeting https://miamibeachfl-gov.zoom.us/j/86880424705 1.312.626.6799 or 877.853.5257 Access ID 86880424705#

Production Industry Council

1755 Meridian Ave, Miami Beach, FL 33139, USA

Hybrid Meeting https://bit.ly/46C0ClU Meeting ID 292499995707 Passcode nFfhTY 1.786.636.1480 Access ID 467253874#   5th Floor Conference Room 1755 Meridian Avenue, Suite #500

Washington Avenue Bid Executive Board

Public Zoom Meeting

Zoom Meeting https://us06web.zoom.us/j/83722532062?pwd=YlpjUHlITSs0QTh6bGJxY2U2b29yUT09 1.305.224.1968 or 1.646.931.3860 Meeting ID 83722532062# Passcode 389038#

Miami Beach Regional Library presents Women’s History Month Meet-and-Greet

Miami Beach Regional Library 227 22nd Street, Miami Beach

Thu, Mar 14, 4:00pm - 5:00pm Step back in time as we meet a different remarkable woman from history each week in March in this engaging role-playing series. Ask questions and take pictures with the featured historical figure and discover how their contributions helped shape the world we know today. For more information, please contact […]

Hispanic Affairs Committee

1700 Convention Center Drive, Miami Beach, FL 33139 Building Department 2nd Floor Conf. Room 1700 Convention Center Dr, Miami Beach

Building Department Large Conference Room 1700 Convention Center Drive, 2nd Floor

O Cinema presents Blue Velvet

O Cinema South Beach 1130 Washington Avenue, Miami Beach

David Lynch’s BLUE VELVET is a masterful exploration of the murky line between the idyllic surface of American suburbia and the dark, corrupt underbelly that lies beneath. The film follows the story of Jeffrey Beaumont, who, upon finding a severed human ear in a field, gets drawn into a dangerous investigation that leads him to uncover a […]