Neighborhood & Condo Associations
Resident groups are independently incorporated organizations that provide opportunities for neighbors to come together and create a better quality of life in their respective areas. Direct communication with these groups allows the city to provide the best possible services.
How to Start a Neighborhood Association
Neighborhood associations bring the community together in order to improve the vitality and livability of Miami Beach’s neighborhoods. There are over 100 associations throughout Miami Beach that represent residents and business owners and help them organize to make their voices heard in City Hall.
What is a Neighborhood Association?
A Neighborhood Association is comprised of a group of residents and business representatives who devote their time and energy to improve and enhance a well-defined geographic area where they and others live. Neighborhood association meetings, like earlier town meetings, provide a place to meet neighbors, exchange ideas, prioritize projects, propose solutions, and implement plans for the neighborhood.
Most neighborhood associations are concerned with issues that affect the quality of life in the community. This can include issues of health and safety and how to strengthen the delivery of City Services to neighborhoods. Sponsoring neighborhood crime prevention activities and emergency preparedness programs are important projects for neighborhood associations.
Why Start a Neighborhood Association?
Neighborhoods usually organize to:
- Build a sense of community among neighbors
- Address a particular issue of the neighborhood
- Provide the neighborhood with an effective communication link
with government officials and other influential groups - Empower residents to work together in improving their
Organizing a neighborhood brings people together to form a collective, united voice. A well-organized group of people can be a powerful and influential force.
Simple Organizing Tips
Organizing a neighborhood association is a big job. While it may seem difficult at first, developing your association will be enormously exciting as people come together to address common problems and learn to work together as a group.
Keep in mind some important guidelines as you begin to organize:
- Building an organization is a process. It cannot be done overnight. Be patient. Identify your priorities and build them step-by-step.
- Set realistic goals. Start small and build upward. As your organizational capacity grows, start setting your goals higher.
- How you treat people is crucial to your success. By treating people with respect and integrity, people will be more likely to get involved in the organization.
People join neighborhood groups for a variety of reasons. One of them is to get to know their neighbors and to feel a sense of community. So as you build your organization, be sure to have fun.
Get Started
Contact your Community Resource Coordinator to inform him/her of your intention to create a neighborhood association. Your Community Resource Coordinator will be helpful in providing you with useful information on any other neighborhood associations that are functioning within the area. Call the Community Resource & Outreach Division at 305.673.7575 for more information about your area.
Contact your neighborhood coordinator to discuss establishing a neighborhood association. This individual will discuss the steps in forming a neighborhood association, setting boundaries, and refer you to other technical information that may be useful in your neighborhood-based initiatives
Fill out the registration application here. Your Community Liaison will reach out to you to confirm receipt and steps moving forward.
Place a Public Notice in the Miami Herald Neighbors Section indicating the time and place for the first organizational meeting. We also encourage the meeting organizers to post notices at frequently visited places in the neighborhood such as a local grocery store, the public schools, or go door to door inviting your neighbors to this meeting.
Why Register your Neighborhood Association?
Neighborhood associations are organizations, which offer an opportunity for citizens to participate in decision-making for their neighborhoods. The Community Resource & Outreach Division maintains a computerized file of the recognized neighborhood associations that is available to be distributed to various governmental bodies. Many City departments and agencies solicit neighborhood association opinions on upcoming approvals of development projects, programs and services, and other changes proposed in particular neighborhoods.
For additional information, please contact the Marketing and Communications Department at 305.673.7575
Please include the name of your organization and a description of the picture.
How do we determine our neighborhood boundaries?
Keep it simple. Draw your neighborhood boundaries reflecting the
natural (e.g. lake) or man-made boundaries (e.g. major transportation corridor). Many times these particular boundaries form a coherent neighborhood
area. A rule of thumb is to keep it simple and start with a relatively
small (but not to small) area to build the sense of community among neighbors.
Are there requirements on the formal structure of neighborhood associations?
No. We do encourage neighborhood associations to develop an organizational structure that works for them. Some options for neighborhood associations to consider include:
Mission statement: An organization’s vision is its driving force.
The mission statement explains why a group exists and what it
hopes to accomplish. A group can revise and clarify its mission statement whenever it is deemed appropriate. -
Bylaws: Bylaws are simply the rules governing an organization’s internal operations, including: purpose of organization,
membership information, terms of officers, committees, voting procedures and dues.
What are some key organizational questions?
- Is the neighborhood association attracting, maintaining, and recruiting new members?
- Is the neighborhood association representative of the area?
Are you involving individuals across barriers of race, religion,
age and socio-economic status? - Are the neighborhood association meetings publicized? Status reports? Successes?
- Are you identifying and forming partnerships with organizations
that support the residents of your community, such as: the
schools, centers of worship, the merchants, business
associations, the employers, landlords, local government,
hospitals, realty companies, libraries, community centers, etc.? - Are you celebrating your victories? Spread the word and tell
other associations how you did it and how it can help them!
Resources for Condos
There’s not one simple reason why people living in Miami Beach choose to be here. Some are natives. Others may have visited friends and/or family – and decided they, too, wanted to be here permanently. Whether you're just moving in or are part of a board committee, there are many resources available to you. There’s no better city in the world to call home!
Condominium Living
As a resident living in a condominium, there are some specifics you should know. Below are some resources to help ensure the ultimate quality of life in Miami Beach.
- Condominium Living in Florida
- Guide to Purchasing a Condominium
- Preparing for Disaster
- Department of Business and Professional Regulation Division of Land Sales, Condominiums, and Mobile Homes
Condominium Boards
Homeowner/ Condominium associations exist for the benefit of residents like you. They are designed to protect property values and preserve community enjoyment by residents. This is done by providing sound fiscal management, generating a long-term vision for the community, and establishing standards about upkeep and conduct that help maintain high property values.
Below are some resources on how to create an association and to ensure the members follow all rules and regulations.
- Election Flow Chart
- Election Checklist
- Condo and Coop Meeting Notice Requirements
- Official Records
- How to File a Complaint
- Application for Volunteer Mediators
- Application for Paid Mediators
- Cooperative Unit Owner Rights and Responsibilities
- Condominium Unit Owner Rights and Responsibilities
- Condominium/Cooperative Elections Brochure
- Budgets and Reserve Schedules
City’s Condominium Liaison
Marketing & Communications Department: 305.673.7575
Emergency Assistance
FEMA: 1.800. 621. 3362
Discrimination/ Harassment
Florida Commission on Human Relations: 850.488.7082
Consumer Complaints
Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services: 1.800.435.7352
Violation of Condominium Laws
Department of Business and Professional Regulations: 1.800.226.9101 Ext. 2