• City of Miami Beach on Issuu
City of Miami Beach
1700 Convention Center Drive
Miami Beach, Florida 33139
Phone: 305.673.7000


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Miami Beach Cupid Splash

Collins Park Beach 21 Street and the beach, Miami Beach, Florida

The Cupid Splash “Polar Plunge” Fundraiser is coming to Miami Beach on Valentine’s Day weekend! When water temperatures off Miami Beach are at their coldest, hundreds of brave souls will […]

Neighborhood Resiliency Projects Advisory Committee

The Committee shall act as an advisory board to the City Commission and City Manager on neighborhood infrastructure programs and private property matters related to the City’s climate resilience projects to help build awareness within the community and to incorporate resident ideas and feedback.

Sea Level Rise Adaptation Plan Community Meeting

Miami Beach Botanical Garden 2000 Convention Center Drive, Miami Beach, United States

This session will focus on the upcoming Miami Beach Adaptation Plan which outlines 17 strategies, from Bayside to stormwater, to private property pathways.  Pathways are tied to trigger points and encompass social behavioral changes, such as the City opening up its garages to residents during king tide events.

Sustainability Committee Meeting

The Miami Beach Resident Sustainability Committee will hold a virtual public meeting on Thursday, February 27, at 3 p.m. The committee provides recommendations on communitywide sustainability. The committee encourages environmental awareness among residents, employees, and business partners to help accomplish the goal of keeping Miami Beach environmentally and sustainably conscious.