• City of Miami Beach on Issuu
City of Miami Beach
1700 Convention Center Drive
Miami Beach, Florida 33139
Phone: 305.673.7000

Alex J. Fernandez is a first-generation American born to Cuban exiles who came to the United States seeking a better life and freedom from oppression. Since an early age his parents, Jose and Mayra, instilled in him and his older brother, Jorge, the responsibility of giving back and the duty to serve others - especially to those suffering from poverty, homelessness, and addictions.

Alex is passionate about public service and brings two decades of government and legislative experience. Prior to being elected with almost 60% of the vote, Alex developed a long record of civic engagement. He served as a member of the Miami Beach Planning Board and the Charter Review Taskforce and served as the chair of the Miami Beach Police / Citizen Relations Committee and the Hispanic Affairs Committee. In his professional capacity, Alex has also served in the offices of several Miami-Dade County Commissioners including the Honorable Rebeca Sosa as well as former Miami Beach Mayor, the Honorable Matti Herrera Bower and former Miami Beach Commissioner, the Honorable Deede Weithorn.

Alex resides in Mid Beach with his partner of 15 years, Robert Wolfarth, who also participates in civic life. Robert and Alex got married in 2015 in a ceremony officiated by Representative Debbie Wasserman Schultz in Washington, DC just days prior to the historic Obergefell v. Hodges ruling from the Supreme Court which legalized marriage equality. Together, they enjoy restoring historic homes in their free time and have made public service a central part of their life.

Alex Fernandez was elected to the Miami Beach City Commission in Group 3 on November 16, 2021.