ADA Compliance
It has been a long-standing City policy to provide equal services and opportunities to all its citizens and employees in accordance with federal, state, and county guidelines with regard to race, religion, national origin, age, sex, or disability. The City of Miami Beach is proud to have passed the State of Florida's first human rights ordinance prohibiting discrimination -- including discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation -- and providing for penalties upon conviction of the ordinance.
What is the ADA?
City Policy
ADA Transition Plan
Disability Access Committee
City Wide Curb Ramp Improvement Plan
What is the Emergency Evacuation Assistance?
Miami-Dade County Emergency Evacuation Program for Persons with Special Needs
How can I learn more about ADA?
Tax Incentives Packet on the Americans with Disabilities Act
What is the ADA?
The Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 - or ADA -- is not a person, an organization, or an agency. The ADA is a federal law that gives civil rights' protections to individuals with disabilities similar to those provided to individuals on the basis of race, color, sex, national origin, age, and religion. It guarantees equal opportunity for individuals with disabilities in public accommodations, employment, transportation, State and local government
services, and telecommunications.
City Policy
It has been a long-standing City policy to provide equal services and opportunities to all its citizens and employees in accordance with federal, state, and county guidelines with regard to race, religion, national origin, age, sex, or disability. The City of Miami Beach is proud to have passed the State of Florida's first human rights ordinance prohibiting discrimination -- including discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation -- and providing for penalties upon conviction of the ordinance.
ADA Transition Plan
A copy of the City's ADA Transition Plan can be found here,
you may also contact Valeria Mejia, the City's ADA Coordinator at 305.673.7000 x2988 or by email at:
Disability Access Committee
The purpose of the City's Disability Access Committee (DAC) is to review, formulate, and coordinate information, suggestions, proposals, and plans, and to address complaints from the general public to provide more conveniently accessible facilities, public buildings, streets, sidewalks, and programs for the persons with disabilities in the City. The Committee is consulted with in terms of prioritization of accessibility-related improvements to City facilities or programs and services. The priorities are in terms of both the order of which facilities to modify, and also the particular improvements to each respective facility. The Committee may provide accessibility-related input to the following City departments: building services, parks and recreation, culture, police and code compliance on behalf of persons with disabilities residing in or visiting the City of Miami Beach.\
The DAC is composed of fourteen (14) voting members who are direct appointees by the Mayor and City Commissioners. Consideration shall be given, but not limited to, the following categories: persons having mobility impairment; deaf and/or hard-of-hearing persons in the community; blind and/or vision-impaired persons in the community; mental, cognitive, or developmental disabilities; and the industries of tourism and convention, retail, hospitality (restaurant or hotel), and health care (or rehabilitation).
The DAC meets once per month (with exceptions as stipulated by the members), the third Tuesday. Meetings are held at 3 p.m. in the City Manager's Large Conference room on the fourth floor of City Hall, 1700 Convention Center Drive, Miami Beach, and are open to the public. Dates and times are subject to change.
City Wide Curb Ramp Improvement Plan
The City-Wide Curb Ramp Improvement Plan is a systematic plan to install ADA-compliant wheelchair curb ramps at intersections of City-controlled streets throughout the City of Miami Beach, to the extent feasible. The City's goal is to provide access to City programs and services for all, regardless of disability.
To report a missing, damaged, or non-compliant curb ramp on a City street, call the Public Works Department at 305.673.7080.
What is the Emergency Evacuation Assistance?
When disasters occur, people need to evacuate their homes quickly to get to safety. Due to their medical or other conditions, some Miami-Dade County residents will need assistance to do this. The Department of Emergency Management (DEM) oversees all Emergency Preparedness procedures click here
Miami-Dade County Emergency Evacuation Program for Persons with Special Needs
If you or someone you know requires skilled nursing care, has medical equipment that relies on electricity, needs assistance with daily living, or may need assistance evacuating from ANY disaster, it is recommended that you register them with the Miami-Dade County Emergency Evacuation Assistance Program.
How can I learn more about the ADA?
The U.S. Department of Justice has an ADA homepage with links to many helpful publications. Click on the link below to visit its website:
Tax Incentives Packet on the Americans with Disabilities Act
The U.S. Department of Justice, on its website, features a packet of information to help businesses understand and take advantage of the tax credit and deduction available for complying with the ADA. To access this information, click on the following weblink:
Contact the ADA Manager:
Valeria Mejia
ADA Manager
305.673.7080 (VOICE)
7-1-1 (Florida Relay)