• City of Miami Beach on Issuu
City of Miami Beach
1700 Convention Center Drive
Miami Beach, Florida 33139
Phone: 305.673.7000

Ad Hoc South Shore Community Center Advisory Committee


A. Purpose

    1. To provide informed input and recommendations on the activation and utilization of the South Shore Community Center, as well as the enhancement of the 6th Street corridor. This includes ensuring that these spaces are effectively integrated to serve the community while preserving their unique character, improving safety, and enhancing the overall quality of life for residents and visitors along the 6th Street corridor.
    2. The Committee will meet on a monthly basis preferably at the South Shore Community Center. The Committee will sunset in twelve (12) months unless determined by the Mayor and City Commission that it should be extended.
    3. The Committee will offer feedback on programming ideas, including a calendar of activities and other initiatives aimed at enhancing the overall quality of life of residents and visitors while maintaining the unique character of the South Shore Community Center and the 6 Street Corridor. The committee's input would be critical in transforming the South Shore Community Center and the 6th Street corridor into vibrant, safe, and inclusive community spaces that reflect the spirit and identity of the area.

B. Membership Composition

    1. The Committee shall be composed of nine members, with seven (7) direct appointments made by individual city commissioners and the mayor, all of whom shall be appointed to serve for a term of no more than one (1) year at a time.
    2. Membership criteria: individuals must be residents of the city for a minimum of two (2) years, or demonstrate ownership/interest in, or employment relationship with, a business established in the city for a minimum of two (2) years.

a. All members must be residents or local business owners with residencies or businesses within the area north of 5th Street and south of 11th Street, between Alton Road and Washington Avenue.
c. There shall be one nonvoting, ex officio representative from the Rainbow Intergenerational Daycare Center, and one nonvoting, ex officio representative from the Lulav Square Apartments.
d. Exceptions to the membership criteria may be approved, by a majority vote of the City Commission for individuals with relevant knowledge or expertise relative to the South Shore Community Center and the 6 Street Corridor.

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