Natural Resources Management
Natural Resources Management
Miami Beach is a coastal community rich in natural resources including waterways, sand dunes, mangroves, 26 parks and green spaces, an urban forest, and just over 7 miles of white, sandy beaches. Our environment is our 'natural capital' and is the foundation of our strong economic development and high quality of life. It is what attracts residents and business to the area, not to mention the 6 million tourists who visit the City each year. Additionally, it provides substantial ecological value. For example, our beaches are natural nesting habitat for endangered sea turtles and are home to endangered plant species including the Biscayne prickly ash, beach cluster vine and beach star.
The Environmental Division is tasked with protecting, restoring and managing the city’s natural resources and executing projects that improve the health of our habitats (beaches, dunes, mangroves, and waterways), creating a safe and beautiful environment for our residents, visitors, and wildlife.