Section 3 D.  Building Permit Plans Review Submittal Check List

Building Permit Plans Review Submittal CHECK-LIST 


D.  Building Permit Plans Review Submittal CHECK-LIST  

PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT                                                      


Project Name: ______________________________________________________

Location: __________________________________________________________

Date of Plans: _____________________________________________________________


Initial  below that the following items are included: Check Mark The applicant shall confirm that the list of items below are included in the permit application submittal:(Please check and initial those items that are included in this Permit Application Submittal.)


________1.   Submittal of a Signed & Sealed Property & Topographic Survey (including the complete width of adjacent Right-of-Way, waterways, and/or 25 ft into adjacent properties) for the site. Survey is to be less than one (1) year old since the date the survey was last signed.

________2.   Submittal of signed and sealed drainage calculations and supporting documents (including modeling) showing that a 25-year 3-day storm event is treated ON-SITE.


_________3.   Submittal of a signed and sealed drainage calculations and supporting documents (including modeling) for impacts to the Public RIGHT-OF-WAY storm water drainage facilities from a 10-year 1-day storm within the Right-of-Way & flow from contributing areas.


_________4.   Submittal of geotechnical or well-drillers report if exfiltration or wells are proposed for the site or adjacent Public Right-of-Way


_________5.   Submittal of an estimate of Potable Water Demands, Required Fire Flows (based on calculations) and Sanitary Sewer flows (including methodology and peak flows). Along with a tentative schedule of when these utilities will be needed to serve the site. Submittal fire flow test conducted by City of Miami Beach Fire Department on the adjacent water main network.


_________6.   Submittal of a Plan showing all adjacent existing Public Potable Water, Storm Water and Sanitary Sewer Mains and Facilities to the site.


_________7.   Submittal of a Detailed Traffic Impact Study for the site and impacts to the surrounding road network. (For Multifamily and Commercial Developments.)



________8.   Submittal of a complete signed and sealed civil engineering plans for any proposed ONSITE potable water, sanitary sewer, storm sewer or pavements needed to improve the site.



_________9.   Submittal of a detailed signed and sealed plan for proposed RIGHT-OF-WAY improvements including, sidewalks, driveways, potable water, sanitary sewer, storm water drainage, waterways, roadway pavements, pavement marking & signage, lighting, landscaping & irrigation.


________10.   Submittal of a copy of the DERM “Biological Opinion” for any permit applications involving seawall or dock work within private or public properties.

_______11.   Submittal of required legal documents, including proposed easements, developer agreements, etc.


________12.   Compliance with ALL Public Works Department requirements listed in the projects – Design Review Board Order and/or Historic Preservation Board Order, before a Building Permit is Issued.


________13.   Submittal of proof of water/sewer service impact fee payment, certified by MDWASD (Miami-Dade Water and Sewer Department).


Initialed By Applicant:_______________________ Date:  _________________ 


Reviewed By PW:__________________________ Date: __________________