• City of Miami Beach on Issuu
City of Miami Beach
1700 Convention Center Drive
Miami Beach, Florida 33139
Phone: 305.673.7000


Have a Plan. Build a Kit. Stay Informed.

Our online guide will help you prepare and give you some tools to weather a storm. If you are prepared for hurricanes, you are pretty much prepared for anything. Take some time to go through our emergency management pages. If you have any questions or suggestions, please contact the Division of Emergency Management at 305.673.7736.

The City of Miami Beach wants to ensure the safety of all its residents and visitors and urges everyone to have a plan in case of a hurricane or other emergency. We are prepared and we want to make sure that you are too.

  • CERT Information

    The Miami Beach Community Emergency Response Team

  • Evacuation

    Miami Beach may be under mandatory evacuation for the safety of all occupants

  • Special Needs

    Early registrations and preparedness.

  • Supplies

    Build an emergency preparedness kit

During a Storm

If an evacuation order was issued, everyone should have evacuated. Sheltering at home in Miami Beach during a significant storm can be extremely dangerous and residents should think twice about making this decision. However, if you were not able to leave before the onset of storm conditions -- notify family and friends of your situation.

There may be events, other than storms, that may require that you shelter in place. Your plan for these situations (such as a hazardous materials spill, a health alert, or other occurrences where Public Safety officials declare the need for people to stay sheltered in their homes for safety.

If you have not evacuated prior to the arrival of tropical storm conditions, although this is strongly ill-advised, you must shelter in place. In a high-rise building, take shelter in the lower levels, above the third floor, because hurricane winds increase at higher elevations. Stay in an interior room or hallway where there are no windows. If there are no rooms without windows, stay as far away from windows and doors as possible, and consider sheltering in a closet.

Keep your immediate emergency supplies with you including -- at a minimum -- a battery-powered radio, flashlight, extra batteries, important papers in a zipped-up plastic bag, and a fully-charged cellphone. It is also advisable to have extra batteries or a non-ac-powered battery charger.

The most important thing you can do during a storm is to monitor sources with information related to the emergency. If you have enough battery power on your phone, you can stay connected with the Miami Beach Twitter account or on Facebook. With a battery-powered radio, you can tune in, for updates on the situation and listen for important notifications that can keep you safe.


The City of Miami Beach's Fire, Rescue, and Police teams stop all emergency operations at the arrival of Tropical Storm force (39 mph+) winds. Following a hurricane, emergency calls may be very limited due to flooding, downed power lines, and limited street access. There will likely be fewer personnel available as well. 9-1-1 will be operational for emergency calls, as it always is, but the response will be affected.

This is why it is important to heed an evacuation order.

After a Storm

Please be patient. Public safety is the number one priority.

Listen to the local news media for possible road closures and curfews. The City of Miami Beach employs a tiered approach in our Re-Entry Plan. Public Safety officials are the first group to be let in, primarily to conduct a safety assessment of the area, to determine if roads are safe and if general travel into and around the City is possible, and to conduct road clearing. Utility services, infrastructure resources, and provisions for healthcare facilities will be among the next group allowed in under controlled entry. Miami Beach residents and businesses will be allowed safe entry once the all-clear is given and will be allowed to do so before the general public.

Do not attempt to return to Miami Beach until a reoccupation/return order is issued. A reoccupation order can take hours, days, or weeks depending on the severity of damage to roads, bridges, and buildings.  After the order for reoccupation to the city is issued and the City is open for returning residents, you will have to provide proof of residency (driver's license and/or utility bill with current Miami Beach address) to roadblock officials for re-entry into Miami Beach. This is done to protect your home and/or business during recovery.

  • Find out if authorities have declared the area safe. There could be limited entry into the City and your usual route into Miami Beach could be closed to traffic.
  • Watch for debris on the road while driving. Drive much slower than you usually would.
  • It is never safe to drive or walk into flood waters.
    • Avoid driving in flooded areas. TURN AROUND. DON'T DROWN. Some roadways in our City are adjacent to waterways. If water comes over the seawall onto the road, it can be difficult to tell if your vehicle is on the road and you risk the danger of driving into a canal or other body of water. Rushing water can overtake a vehicle and float it off the road. Just 12 inches of rushing water can carry away an average-sized vehicle. Two feet of water can carry off an SUV or box truck. Over half of all flood-related drownings occur when a vehicle is driven into hazardous flood water.
    • Water on a flooded road may conceal a damaged or even collapsed road. Do not drive through flooded portions of the road.
    • Do not walk through flooded areas, especially if the water is moving. It takes just six inches of flowing water to knock over an adult.
    • Standing water and downed powerlines are a deadly combination. Don't find out by stepping into the flooded area.
    • If water has been standing for several days, it is likely contaminated, if not from oil and other deposits in the street, but also with hepatitis and other disease. Flooded streets are not play areas. Please keep children out of standing water.
  • Return to your pre-determined assembly point and/or contact your pre-established out-of-area contact person (This should be part of your preparedness plan). Make sure all family members have been accounted for and let others know of your status.
  • Make sure the main electrical switch to your home is off before entering the structure.
  • Be careful when entering a structure that has been damaged.
  • Be aware of any contamination of your property from mold or sewage
  • Wear safety gear such as heavy rubber gloves, goggles, and rubber work boots

Infographic describing what to wear for clean-up after a disaster

What to Wear when Cleaning up Debris and Household Waste after a Disaster

  • Hard Hat
  • Goggles or eye protection
  • Hearing protection
  • N-95 respirator or one that provides even more protection (check the packaging for “N-95”)
  • Long-sleeved shirt
  • Heavy work gloves
  • Long pants
  • Boots with steel toe and insole


  • Protect wounds and cuts with a waterproof bandage.
  • Avoid heat stress by taking frequent breaks and drinking safe water.
  • Cleaning up sewage? Wear rubber boots, rubber gloves, and goggles.
  • Be aware of your surroundings and avoid electrical lines, insects, wild or stray animals, and long periods under the sun.
  • Wash your hands with soap and water before eating. If water is not available, use hand sanitizer (containing at least 60% alcohol).

More Information on Clean up:
The Environmental Protection Agency provides information on safe cleanup after a disaster.

  • If you suspect a gas leak, leave immediately and notify the gas company.
    CITY GAS: 305.693.4311 • www.floridacitygas.com
    TECO PEOPLE’S GAS: 305.940.0139 • www.peoplesgas.com
  • If possible, listen to the radio or contact the Resident Information Center (305.604-CITY) to find out if sewage lines are intact before turning on the water or using the toilet.
  • Report utility damage to the proper authorities.
    FLORIDA POWER & LIGHT (FPL): 1.800.4.OUTAGE • www.fpl.com 305.442.8770 (Miami-Dade County)
    AT&T: 611
    Breezeline: 888.536.9600
  • Continue to monitor your local news for up-to-date emergency information such as boil water advisories.
  • Check the Miami Beach website (www.miamibeachfl.gov) for accurate and up-to-date information.
  • Follow us on social media for updates:


Assistance to individuals and families may come from any number of organizations. These organizations provide food, shelter, and supplies and assist in clean-up efforts. In the most severe disasters, the federal government is also called in to help individuals and families with temporary housing, counseling (for post-disaster trauma), low-interest loans and grants, and other assistance after assessments are made. The federal government also has programs that help small businesses and farmers. Most federal assistance becomes available when the President of the United States declares a “Major Disaster” for the affected area at the request of a state governor. FEMA will provide information through the media and community outreach about federal assistance and how to apply.

Coast Guard: www.uscg.mil

FDLE: www.fdle.state.fl.us

Dept of Health: www.dadehealth.org.dadehealth.org

Homeland Security: www.dhs.gov

Miami Dade EOC: www.miamidade.gov/fire/emergency-management.asp

Important Resources for Emergencies: DIAL 911

CITY OF MIAMI BEACH INFORMATION: 305.604.CITY • www.miamibeachfl.gov 

MIAMI-DADE COUNTY ANSWER CENTER: 311 • 305.468.5900 www.miamidade.gov/fire/emergency-management.asp


MIAMI-DADE COUNTY EMERGENCY EVACUATION ASSISTANCE PROGRAM: 305.513.7700 • TDD: 305.468.5402 • http://miamidade.gov/apps/gis/eeap_publicregistration/




FEDERAL EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT AGENCY (FEMA):11.800.621.3362 • TTY: 1.800.462.7585 www.fema.gov/assistance

CERT AND VOLUNTEER INFORMATION: 305.673.7736 • www.miamibeachfl.gov/city-hall/fire/emergency-management/cert-information/

FLORIDA POWER & LIGHT (FPL): 1.800.4.OUTAGE • www.fpl.com • 305.442.8770 (Miami-Dade County)

AT&T: 611

CITY GAS: 305.693.4311 • www.floridacitygas.com

TECO PEOPLE’S GAS: 305.940.0139 • www.peoplesgas.com

BREEZELINE: 1.888.536.9600

POISON CONTROL: 1.800.222.1222 • www.floridapoisoncontrol.org

FOOD SAFETY: 305.623.3500 • https://miamidade.floridahealth.gov/programs-and-services/environmental-health/food-hygiene/index.html

FAMILY SOCIAL SERVICES: 211 • www.miamidade.gov/global/socialservices/home.page

AMERICAN RED CROSS: 305.644.1200 • www.redcross.org

SALVATION ARMY: 305.456.5850 • 1.800.SAL.ARMY• salvationarmyusa.org

HUMANE SOCIETY OF MIAMI: 305.696.0800 • www.humanesocietymiami.org

Hurricane Season

The Atlantic hurricane season is officially designated from June 1 to November 30. Over 97% of tropical activity occurs in these six months, but hurricanes have occurred in every month of the year.
According to the National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Association (NOAA), the most common month for hurricanes is September.

The bottom line: Be prepared year-round. Even if a storm does not strike, hurricane preparedness makes us better prepared for most disasters.

Know your weather terms

Tropical Climate/Tropical Depression – An organized system of clouds and thunderstorms with a defined surface circulation and maximum sustained winds* of 38 mph (33kt**) or less.
Tropical Wave – a low-pressure area that has the potential to develop into stormy weather
Tropical Storm – an organized system of strong thunderstorms with a defined surface circulation and maximum sustained winds of 39 – 73 mph (34-63 kts)
Hurricane – an intense tropical weather system of strong thunderstorms with a well-defined surface circulation and maximum sustained winds of 74 mph (64 kts) or higher.


It is advised to monitor the weather frequently and to heed the advice of local officials during hurricane season. Tropical systems can speed up, change direction and intensify without warning. Several local news stations as well as national weather services offer e-mail notifications by subscribing to their services. Advances in forecasts have resulted in more accurate track forecasts. As a result, there will be a greater lead time for watches and warnings to enable communities more time to prepare.

The following terms are used by weather forecasters to describe the wind speed and probability/proximity of a storm from hitting a specific destination:

Hurricane Watch – a hurricane may strike the area under watch within 48 hours

Hurricane Warning – a hurricane is expected to strike the area under warning within 36 hours

Saffir-Simpson Scale

Category 1: Sustained winds of 74-95 mph
Category 2: Sustained winds of 96-110 mph
Category 3: Sustained winds of 111-130 mph
Category 4: Sustained winds of 131-155 mph
Category 5: Sustained winds greater than 155 mph


National Hurricane Center
National Weather Service

The City of Miami Beach does not distribute hang-tags for re-entry.

Condominiums and Hotels are encouraged to register their Emergency Response Teams with the City. The Division of Emergency Management provides training and special directions for these teams.

Personnel with vital jobs in hospitals, hotels and other critical services should make sure to carry employee identification and other documentation to present to law enforcement upon return to Miami Beach following an evacuation. Having proper identification and proof of necessity from employers will assist in re-entry should checkpoints be implemented.

If you have any questions please contact the Miami Beach Office of Emergency Management 305.673.7736 or the Miami Beach Police Department at 305.673.7900.

Safety Tips

If your home is deemed uninhabitable by the Building Official, you must leave your home until proper repairs are completed. If necessary, the Miami Beach Building Department will issue emergency building permits due to storm-related damages to expedite repairs.

Many injuries occur after the storm. To avoid injury, use common sense and wear proper clothing, including long sleeves and long pants, safety shoes or boots, and eye protection.

Stay away and do not touch downed power lines. Stay away from standing water that may have active electrical currents. Although you may be without power in your home/business, it does not mean the lines are not active.

Report downed lines to 1-800-4OUTAGE (1-800-468-8243)

Miami-Dade County 305.442.8770           www.fpl.com

Getting Around

Driving is strongly discouraged in the aftermath of a storm. Crews will be out to make damage assessments and City officials will determine if the streets are safe for travel. If you must travel before it is deemed safe, drive slowly, be aware of your surroundings, and treat all intersections as four-way stops. Some roads may be restricted. Curfews may be imposed. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention report that over half of all flood-related drownings occur when a vehicle is driven into hazardous flood water. Some of our roadways are adjacent to bodies of water. In a flooding situation, it may be difficult to tell where the boundaries are. TURN AROUND. DON’T DROWN.

Please do not walk into or play in flooded water. Besides the aforementioned threat of electrocution from downed power lines, standing water can harbor disease and contaminants that are hazardous to your health.

Generator Usage

DO NOT operate a generator indoors, on balconies, or near open windows. Make sure that the generator is running in a well-ventilated area. Many people die from carbon monoxide poisoning every year due to improper generator use. Read instructions and use them with caution. Click here for more information.

Tree Trimming

Use caution with operating power equipment (i.e., chain saws):
Follow the manufacturer’s instructions and wear safety gear (i.e., goggles and gloves). Stay clear of those using manual or other tools to cut trees. Avoid back injuries by using mechanical assistance to move debris too large to move manually.

After a hurricane or other natural disaster, poison control centers traditionally experience an increase in poisoning calls.

For more information go to 1.800.222.1222         www.floridapoisoncontrol.org


If you are concerned that your food may have spoiled when in doubt, throw it out. For additional food safety information, call Miami-Dade County Florida Department of Health.

305.623.3500  miamidade.floridahealth.gov.


Uprooted insects and mosquitoes thrive in post-storm conditions. If you are without power, it is likely you have windows and doors open for periods of time. Use mosquito repellant and nets and spray entrance areas with insect killers.
Prevent the sting and spread of mosquitoes — Drain and Cover
Drain any standing water.

Check for standing water in the following locations:

  • Gutters
  • Garbage Cans
  • Saucers and lids
  • Pool and spa covers
  • Open containers such as flower pots and empty drums or cans
  • Old tires
  • Birdbaths
  • Pet bowls (even indoors)
  • Pools (maintain optimum chemistry; don’t let your pool go green)
  • Bromeliads

Cover your skin with socks, shoes, long pants, and long sleeves when mosquitoes are active.

  • Use mosquito repellant
  • Check the active ingredients
  • Effective ingredients include
  • DEET / Lemon eucalyptus oil / IR3535
  • Use the smallest concentration of DEET as possible
  • Cover doors and windows with screen

Sun & Heat Exposure

You will be exposed to more heat and sun, especially if you are without power. Wear sunscreen, drink plenty of water, and try to keep cool by staying under shelter. It is important that you wear protective clothing. A portable, battery-powered fan will make you feel more comfortable.

  • dem@miamibeachfl.gov

  • 305.673.7736 ext. 7736

  • Office

    2310 Pine Tree Drive, Third Floor
    Miami Beach, FL 33140

  • Hours of Operation

    Monday - Sunday | 24/7