The Miami Beach Fire Department offers a variety of educational programs and services designed to educate and inform you about how to recognize and prevent fire hazards which could lead to a fire, injury or death. All requests for these programs and services are scheduled by appointment at least fourteen (14) days in advance. Special programs are reserved by registration. Most programs are free of charge.

Safety Programs
Some examples of these programs include:
- Schools and fire safety
- Businesses learning about fire drills and fire extinguishers
- Older adult living facilities practicing fire safety and fire prevention in the home
- Car seat installations & inspections
If you would like information on other public fire & life safety educational materials and/or programs, please contact:
Paul Johnson, Public Education Coordinator
Phone: 305.673.7000 x2-2834
Fax: 305.673.1085

Safe Haven for Newborns
Miami Beach’s partnership with Safe Haven for Newborns Program allows direct handover to our trained MBFD paramedics. A Safe Haven for Newborns provides anonymous alternatives to infant abandonment through education, prevention, direct assistance and grassroots community involvement.

A Safe Haven for Newborns offers 24/7 confidential assistance by calling 1.877.767.2229.
For more information visit:
Please note Safe Haven for Newborns is not a direct affiliate with the City of Miami Beach.
The National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) estimates that the risk of dying in a fire is cut by one-half to two-thirds in public buildings and private homes where sprinklers have been installed. Participants are taught how sprinklers work, how sprinklers save lives and property, and the myths about automatic sprinkler systems are dispelled.
Held twice each year at different locations throughout Miami Dade County, each Festival gives 3,000 kindergarten through third grade students from public and private schools the opportunity to learn not to burn in five interactive learning stations. Topics include Stop, Drop & Roll, Crawl Low Under Smoke, Fire Drill Practice, Electrical Safety, Smoke Alarms, Matches & Lighter Safety and Accessing the 9-1-1 Emergency System.
From age 65 to 85, older adults are from twice as likely to four times as likely to be killed or injured by fires or falls, compared to the population at large. Remembering When is designed to prevent injuries among older adults and help them live safely at home for as long as possible. Adopting a nostalgia theme, Remembering When presents sixteen key safety messages through discussion, trivia quizzes, colorful brochures, and handouts.
Portable fire extinguishers can save lives and property by putting out or containing a small fire. Participants are taught the basics of fire extinguisher use and, working with a buddy, each participant is provided the opportunity to extinguish a small fire using a portable fire extinguisher.
Public or private schools may request a fire engine to visit the school, or students may tour one of our fire stations. Age-appropriate fire safety education is included. Fire hats and take-home coloring books are provided.
Research has shown that the very young and the very old are most at risk of dying in a fire. Presentations are tailored to the behavioral and developmental characteristics of each particular audience. Topics include “Stop, Drop, & Roll,” “Stay Low Through Smoke,” “Two Ways Out,” “Firefighters are Friends and Community Helpers,” “Cool a Burn,” “Matches & Lighters are Tools, Not Toys,” “Smoke Alarms Save Lives,” “Smokers Need Watchers,” and “Watch What You Heat.”
Many historical fire disasters resulting in large losses of life have occurred in Public Assembly occupancies. Learn the factors that contribute to fire loss, how to recognize these hazards, and how to prevent or reduce the loss potential of these occupancies. Video of actual fires is provided to increase affective learning impact.